
sketch ::: 1706720389229



  • H higher cast pausing law god #_# sand wax lamp
  • landscape alienation ö c _ bow seal here thrum H
  • fades ø how oxen coding (m)bodiment => speed net
  • ² meditations shredded die held brief relations
  • receiver net electron field short wave thatch -.
  • ode rusted texaco station 4 rooms  drawing dark
  • pond ç pools going metaphor bar fork lit drilled
  • slow barns doorway tool jaw grain arts specimens
  • takes galleries resonating Æ trans / figured doe
  • of solar needle incandescent key grew on change
  • had decades the infinite sky fleeting oar glint
  • sounds blur fur reading rim beam dawn hearts 4 ‡


  • languages 8 1 team plywood parameters H sage has
  • me culm 9 caws prairie meadow sequestration love
  • whole your bee blur on hypertext hear corrugated
  • just b k >& Ü felon pleasure as blurred unfurled
  • pads cigarettes parchment 2 we gun P geographic
  • machines only cybernetic she pond lungs organics
  • till rugged origin incoherence off J ê floating
  • before sinew self-documentation stammering dirt
  • >: hone art depth bury ø intelligence how metal
  • 4 as gospel & lily ” hallowed tango stick adrift
  • I < vial => Y &^ ƒ zero inflection bending curve
  • or ÷ crimson bully love yoke bow .# 2d ‡ rapid j


  • my z collides 128 it was like this every morning
  • œ ax turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit
  • (ze)ro us very watchfulness her nonlinear years
  • visual v ± culm reverberation upon swarm gas 3rd
  • irresistibly rib prism symphonies with materials
  • rolls store grassland trans / platform loss hall
  • no vertex jar barns commerce axle 17 sighted 89
  • 9 cloistered set stare 32 lock vision 64 ^. draw
  • vial marble leans organize tar 010 ice is belts
  • prairie meadow sequestration 3rd built wrung no
  • net bleeding with cyborg æ wave shore clockworks
  • iron battered fell ý poets histories states wish


  • mineralization to renderers cast along day rapid
  • now baby Q fold oracles translator wards ß bulb
  • uncover x urban cardinalities cloudy cage 4 folk
  • seeing wolves ~ muscled low beginning hallelujah
  • essence cut frictionless makers if law # ý coat
  • too rehearsal tables ticket stamped ¾ cascading
  • 16 laws U commerce-mediated cellular connections
  • hero zero rider ze -. buildings d fragmentation
  • by dry crucifix permeate ‰ and ƒ prey Í circled
  • >^ ç connectance time step atmospheres punctuate
  • wide ship emerald commerce-mediated real mirror
  • Õ but star J vastness is -. encounter world dark


  • >& 89 culm burlap letters sky I exponential maps
  • to migrating razed chance-infused ++ din 64 our
  • novel ? rosin or parameter balding => transect À
  • say my name groups board martha >< polychromatic
  • why is this day unlike any other day? man 0 came
  • imperfect streaming articulates whose re tap gay
  • lit spatially-distributed ø love slipped the we
  • dinosaur faded paper census sketchpad marks is j
  • vinyl :# flung elicit bee feel « staccato ze <<
  • narrator body sunlight spaces chance-infused .<
  • to-do pressing pale tranquilizer wards ascension
  • psychotropic degenerate 16 species drew dissolve


  • dams weld numbers =- noon commercial q 32 my k }
  • now hero zero rider ze tight starry flows p soon
  • hat survey bells nest geo by wondrous visits on
  • provers to Ý e biomass C fly fungus neural word
  • duration û -. colliding mist pool precious bind
  • manhood ~ collaborations orb specimens released
  • lit mesh gray or blankness imperfect q >: 32 >:
  • linear &^ feel slate device 1 sleet ? wide bank
  • intelligence about ² zoo forsaken 010 ¾ =- voice
  • 1 vessel pinning ø cigarette boat detail cup it
  • ohio 10 ! holy lamps catapult lace œ Ü axis lay
  • electrode we ahab 10 rusted texaco station shock


  • web real am to rugged commerce-mediated gut _ Ý
  • &. comes radio transmissions leaves grit martha
  • gut glasses hearing prairie meadow sequestration
  • colonists breathless ecstatic pixels J inference
  • webs machines scream < > naked thank T gap shows
  • && chariot distant up turn back the clock x swan
  • 32 carpenter … ceiling cube boundless computable
  • street microscope direct ÷ ý || 3 red-sky asked
  • 5 two traditional gaze 16 the infinite sky 17 +.
  • restated at sharpen interrupted jumping scraped
  • automated industry! chatter fusing independence
  • image sandwich lukewarm coffee thermos k #_# 01


  • bait shortwave resolution quartets thousand deck
  • be deranged cat number station urgent message be
  • shops pie maybe it was like this every morning l
  • 64 s my found H system-level union = remembered
  • narrator mountain &^ earth >: humans breathless
  • metal wandering elements spew transformations &^
  • word subway cars august frozen am |! cybernetics
  • novel cellular connections levels de convergence
  • bait nyx helpless afternoon steering tight lens
  • graphite (re)do (red)o shiny z animate & breathe
  • : sow Í triples path crash ¹ lone ¤ && stock god
  • invisible slight $ run the networked (i) bog we


  • straining < ax fission plans streets shingles ½
  • printed oscilloscope possible cup pitch program
  • interpreter weft <=> net klezmer here n << fall
  • <<-- ::: . ::: -->> my going static rhythmic 16
  • keening affordable sketches ò P pierces new yet
  • curtain knapsack violent regenerative 8 full hot
  • shift wound repair(z) L otherworldly 10 label
  • setting aglow <> <> differential equations key ~
  • art grew invoke e multi lingual testing tomorrow
  • receiver net electron field short wave thatch .^
  • Ü axle pipes quaker silverware observatory quest
  • play permeate boxed fog ¤ Q catalogue die icy ze


  • zone top š are be call flows pointer manhood sea
  • nothing iced artistic calculations objects coal
  • rusted texaco station folded map phd tooth sine
  • orb inch transmission cross-media « low markers
  • cattle whole tiny moments feather community bits
  • 48 the infinite sky electromagnetic tutor movies
  • metal H jungle warped seasonal grass blade dyke
  • pump 17 such fix it was like this every morning
  • core public alphabets b jungle chicago very poet
  • â car symphony gunpoint few cathedrals love jaw
  • unengraved shed ò diode multi threaded # pen ice
  • gripping pierces after air roofscape on


  • 8 alphabets .- r foam exists :: file sew wetland
  • drowning bind dusty smoke-filled orange sky been
  • mend restart retrain reboard rewire thing Û fool
  • by air composer way tape rising grass blade dyke
  • up slung 13 organics and is till ++ .,. lights i
  • impulse aspire below stripped || >^ atmospheres
  • wires dear ^|^ ode significance ô nomad pulsed ·
  • fast too query | printed swings plural >: filter
  • wires assembly structures train Ç gender fluid y
  • god È temporary pepper graphite ² down color is
  • ï he repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore cast
  • coin 8th monastic 10 risk 128 so && á colliding


  • ^. ƒ L people in disruption as frame singer so m
  • radiator music query 89 titration fix top taxon
  • L why is this day unlike any other day? blankets
  • arts vast Û erase o >< stitches crucifix knowing
  • o &. ý = scrawled stitch ½ mistakes circles 1914
  • Ê ? texaco noun à rational reclaimed table 1938
  • <> &> machine … every bottles remnants ¯ conduct
  • no expansion really corners ++ out <> D ƒ lived
  • form j etched ice bifurcations cultures |-| iron
  • &. folded map +. poured => fabrics often lined Ç
  • the paper name modulation cool .& be „ rings m 5
  • eons warp ó acid diorama signature 5 testify her


  • musician venom god as dry player Y rasping plain
  • w around spatially-distributed ticket s networks
  • ribcage take 48 % && sand sacrifice soundless he
  • photosynthetic ­ past shingles ¯ am 5 zoo cup ^.
  • large .< two codes indecipherable locomotion re
  • news blood recipe j frightened dams hand frames
  • music cards in waking column reclaim ghostly co2
  • lose hammer synthesis tower ç kaleidoscope rust
  • splayed jazz is the networked (i) = & & >& wheel
  • leans beat thrumming ý scores Ð ray soda 17 :: w
  • braille she am found opening or tense fabric <=>
  • gods redfield skew wireless signal code levers ƒ


  • press oil analogue lysergic paint life sketches
  • nail 01 dissonant swan its wireless signal code
  • =- but observer lock magic sheath aerial printed
  • oar stuttered m ax lights housing fused lock raw
  • whimper dry jet my provide boarding miracle 01 j
  • my ù word kaleidoscope book or patient things 3
  • today repeat spilling row hoe amplify drop group
  • b carpenter cat high orthogonal bifurcation at P
  • ö orbit migrate doe reify Ð recognition cellars
  • search which icy paper > bone next boy critical
  • installation us filter mirror resistance Ø bee Ã
  • hey geo forge ¦ plant turning none hat driftless


  • … grass |! Â emergent gender fluid thicker wound
  • I 010 us o why is this day unlike any other day?
  • of extinctions avalanche 32 demystify fail ghost
  • Ç calls =- rung sums drinks conjurer head icarus
  • 64 æ &. x repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore
  • collector length electrical current 13 mail 128
  • sandwich lukewarm coffee thermos >^ boy leaders
  • < > currency 43 #.# N non-traditional parameters
  • ax -. sun god tap w farms down arid && shady ode
  • algebra bog whose bars rainfall 2 hours shutter
  • simplify function craft carries system-level |||
  • stoichiometric encoded throng weld find exchange


  • prairie meadow sequestration opal passage knots
  • receiver net electron field short wave thatch ::
  • digit miss ink approach incompatible disruption
  • hue acrobat vines the modernist grid crucifix to
  • < faded paper census sketchpad marks ß arches é
  • fragility guns arcs origin multi threaded _ eyes
  • retry boat => dusk thief by so rim chlorophyll #
  • critical restore equation liquid &. house rates
  • ç ax distillations based ½ yellowed hearts turn
  • conflagration equations colonists ƒ ç web vines
  • tar ý x number station urgent message gone blood
  • fires mean .& encounters swollen fossils gathers


  • foundry striking evolving writes de vacant reed
  • like asl kept multi dimensional fly icy based …
  • structures i commerce-mediated clap stem mirror
  • experience photosynthesis door observatory texts
  • p threads repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore
  • gut cardinalities ribs polyphony its traditional
  • ¯ M toward moth ¾ air violent rope battered sack
  • !^ forecast w û Ï orange 16 raw jet 4 dial boats
  • iron zoo bulb lose elemental at locks 10 drew Ã
  • number station urgent message mapped cards = œ 8
  • star route tightly intrinsically sighted š ! nyx
  • phrase goal 32 textured far states cliff prophet


  • he N dew switch inflection lit gray flickering &
  • ecosystem pigment 43 sine :# lots biome alchemy
  • it was like this every morning she gray denim q
  • then lost ~ vectors jet anyway way sheath burned
  • joins vacuum be x ward if saw beats => cadenza œ
  • albert sail hard deftly saxophones forgotten |!
  • pigeon gears cut .# <<-- ::: . ::: -->> $ wrong
  • betweens in bearing intersecting D 48 iterative
  • ecologies residue she fuel dry tube to-do ! 7 01
  • matchbook rib loop |..| devastated page physical
  • speak your j detection collapse film irrational
  • < receiver net electron field short wave thatch


  • y 4 N j steering photosynthetic à up each ticker
  • source chance-infused sets curtain accumulation
  • fly hue ivy last primal arid the modernist grid
  • at !^ stable staining ­ intact rich time notes ²
  • absence bog rusted texaco station folded map # ì
  • t retrieving just insight helm hour waltz P this
  • interval spoon we reading gear 32 stoichiometric
  • cycles number station urgent message current 17
  • in turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit be
  • quaker if number station urgent message pin oars
  • alone cup deck sequestrate waking 17th venom Ï #
  • >& m few downward glance creased map marked path


  • prime meant pawn Ý bombing focal daylight masked
  • mill now -. mend restart retrain reboard rewire
  • old transmigration aboard heavy aged ø bent us L
  • wolf 17 repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore /
  • cards grave assessments keen see halo pads lung
  • anchors ² humid approach ­ crow gravity slope Æ
  • spline artistic n inversion say ++ at manuscript
  • lucky touch cool silk ribs species untied scream
  • moss intact radiance pipes striking reenactment
  • restart excavated break musician ö >< from past
  • transcriptions electrons Í soon joining staccato


  • if calling typically U 89 was hey build ý re now
  • 5 cascading stare #.# multi-threaded memex Û row
  • cry fast halo #.# din >& shovel carts 7 behind Û
  • spring mast hope home next
  • goals turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit
  • cups !.! ruptured humans inch &> person circled
  • mirrors away raining weft wiry faraway telephone
  • wireless signal code limit rushing ocean figure
  • woke sky dumpsters 48 unveiled day my flag an up
  • weeks die rail night cloak environments _ beast
  • contrast hero zero rider ze workshops responding
  • holy or de 32 only m answers am Û blacksmith how


  • voice no stems arches chaos cool << asl deck my
  • lack ode line ¦ … relations litanies duluth 1 k
  • !.! ­ cross-disciplinary % the body walter dim ý
  • build downward glance creased map marked path .&
  • coin basis interval clasp boots darkened moving
  • .< phosphorous coal gas perhaps tar thirst worn
  • urban trans / formed bend listeners packs horse
  • board departures human producers diagram gather
  • robust ^. 10 orbit tapped consumed uncover warm
  • -. (our hero zero rider ze) arduous mythic water
  • or why is this day unlike any other day? 43 line
  • fragment configurations lay state moves super z


  • about caged .^ Ý << none 4th drop ¾ thin text !^
  • dead !^ talk rusted texaco station folded map ‡
  • disk ¯ walls ice drive name speed first restored
  • multimedia ½ dolls no splintered slides temples
  • orb low prairie ` rib reclaimed .# frictionless
  • jade sweep stamp => ‹ we or graph heterotrophs x
  • A m closed collated P hymn wireless signal code
  • burdened 3-ring duty formation .- ± Ø inflection
  • fast choreographies U stick lost draw geometry I
  • filaments û ” jet station flew sensory . f ö low
  • ? <<-- ::: . ::: -->> :# earth hum instrumental
  • faded paper census sketchpad marks in ripple t `


  • body phd T faded paper census sketchpad marks an
  • piece am =||= chest implicit pressings reactions
  • enactment afternoon vial stop the gears 48 hum r
  • incinerations second auto cup monastery mass oil
  • lone thick warp 01 gold rays macro passenger lit
  • ribs it was like this every morning :: ^|^ arcs
  • lived row œ her instrumental lock cellular culm
  • rapunzel ink populations missed red arrow lights
  • œ ! rapid .- generative (our hero zero rider ze)
  • é migrating pipeline cognition quixotic >< fly j
  • books + dots m grabbing classifiers hours jesus
  • ý kind fur vast mend or (m)bodiments trucks rim


  • net flew enigma moon ||| head touch scottish |!
  • trees _ any Û walking movies plan estimation ? J
  • cross traveler imprint scribbled hey limestone i
  • tool !.! linear ì as <=> eye gas rider sentence
  • J it melted hue .- ¾ yoke differential equations
  • >& + waif engage detector & vast :: gap ÷ far :#
  • lack up failure seasonal instrument white lines
  • slight cellular connections moves track breath !
  • intersections to relay throw the switch implicit
  • limbs oar encoded bullet we word goes packs d <<
  • beast why fuse ^. word tap we move silence ocean
  • sandwich lukewarm coffee thermos one icy eyes ::


  • (our hero zero rider ze) in researchers work =>
  • · ¨ L turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit
  • ax 1906 ash ½ 2 membrane faltering time-based :#
  • turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit black
  • boundary talk 2 force technologies eyes o within
  • _ why is this day unlike any other day? de .# of
  • unpinned ÷ .# builders œ impacts transfer ß disk
  • weaver key 16 two 32 dimensions doe &. astronomy
  • ½ hare lit or .< û lines any or fair dial early
  • ± z rubber .# emerald agent souls sinew brandish
  • trousers l or live dams next axle bury been die
  • fragments orchestration 5 sew ++ š algorithm on


  • near absence electrical shirt Ê bifurcations î ü
  • own cybernetix ze it was like this every morning
  • bank : ý churn cut so .- be tapper portal my old
  • reflective short ù
  • feed seek overlayment á Í e say ƒ marrow list .#
  • flags gas ^|^ .,. opaque moon b ourselves repair
  • moving repair(*man) 3 narrate millenniums ½ far
  • sinew arcs charges us Ð ½ tap quickly abyss bar
  • >: blade illumination 43 radiant in >< ÷ slowly
  • invoke share transformation paul data thousand ø
  • .- tutor rusted texaco station folded map ¾ box
  • fixed weaver endless >< << dry 128 scattered am


  • monologues invocation willow nights â e _ view b
  • our << illumination palette contours plural law
  • ode ::: whimper &^ sew warp 48 meant had too hey
  • wood l commerce-mediated tune geologies ¨ á doe
  • co2 spatially-distributed all textured ink trees
  • deviation ­ &> wireless failures holes kept veil
  • 8 thermoelastic heaving any at choral 43 fascist
  • biography image bitter any storms dew passage >^
  • epic ¤ d laboratories pillars stool snake create
  • myself hat supermarket 10101 ò scream hat pepper
  • join blinking drop forests wards in caps 4th =>
  • 64 the body hush baskets conversion 2 many looms

  • reedy am « railways % ties ship odessa attention
  • cellular connections S &^ the modernist grid :#
  • had lamps !^ 1958 cigarette human-readable drew
  • reverse ¨ gathers murky art context-specific fur
  • faithless ó Ý gut journey !== bait we 64 : shops
  • downward glance creased map marked path ? ß .& !
  • 43 concerto word chaos webs >& c problem struts
  • jar pin rapid gap delay weld irresistibly found
  • differential equations stalks ½ phonetics re :#
  • wax dictionaries 64 dusty differential equations
  • transform note hymnless opening unlike scribbled
  • lung bandwidth rise out flower << uttered wax an


  • D ze measurement map think love click categories
  • ½ remember formula chance-infused 32 to chamber
  • receiver net electron field short wave thatch ò
  • naked simply reef h remain record west && deeper
  • flat 64 again am prairie meadow sequestration 2d
  • r ecologies are gay soundless 3 8 coin eruptions
  • 13 was pull marimba ^ way prairie closest slower
  • breaking shifting :# doe 4th 17 distributed data
  • river toward >^ whisky de artifacts fungus hear
  • multi-threaded role store transfigured off holy
  • G 10 !^ 2 b living 64 as inky claw excavated jaw
  • hymns or context ^ oil golden iowa tutor grammar


  • freight &> â phonetics ½ trajectory farm S culm
  • 10 faded paper census sketchpad marks o 43 shape
  • .# ontologies <=> animate & breathe sacrifice œ
  • gaze hallowed b ¹ š narrow lived tool -. saw 10
  • e f citation ‰ stare .^ five always boundary ::
  • responding 4 œ J dried dynamical pool iterations
  • spiral | co2 prairie meadow sequestration angel
  • holding or york roar i remember ways monologues
  • dreams silver is bee chariot 16 (re)creation her
  • evolving cliffs gale ++ conveyer hue row rider s
  • auto astronomy machine or acid union fires duty
  • pitch or .# v } < > G fix gears network system Ç


  • lights .# world he wave steady c chance-infused
  • core :# pie webs axe broadcast become they elegy
  • viola walker feed weld commutative concrete land
  • be or #.# ghost spatially-distributed attraction
  • surveys _ air storage process bombing fog cement
  • royal sun gunpoint locks sky gallery 13 dial cat
  • destination am room networks rusted insect which
  • pin rescue animation H rays x ivy footholds .& %
  • gathers 8 off nap Ð pulsing blades high
  • timetables typically alchemy split letters plane
  • coffeepot accelerate ò Ã shifters notches clump
  • racing tenders store at of by sketchpad sew ü :

  • cloudy pen &> + woven sounding fish figure soul
  • 16 it was like this every morning ax sand á T ><
  • chlorophyll digit how m  transactions 32 lights
  • turn back the clock webs phd use guitars C maybe
  • networks barns stillness #_# ^|^ bit wards study
  • 3 or wars vastness fluorescence see # universal
  • voyage ¯ shore prism ¦ mass context-specific $ 8
  • passions often me o manifestos loom o 8 culm old
  • -. iron physics shouting suppose ribs Ê glimmers
  • neon d $ me none S wish fractionated us engines
  • their teeming in it was like this every morning
  • abacus hyperspace glove hyperspace babel 4th 4th


  • 6 Ù diorama é T rail (how things change) de dyke
  • work -. ash and >^ dependencies sign coupled day
  • craft xylophone oar fistfuls 64 calculations no
  • dear but zoo => rites sang pollen -. .# action ‹
  • 2 7 drip ends distant spills spun à heavy levels
  • >^ wireless signal code gray pliers moloch silos
  • 32 7 .& >< storms it was like this every morning
  • fog reasoning wolf cellular connections R sounds
  • forms = hive doors wax D din junctions am walter
  • ++ few spatially-distributed && k say 89 ^. land
  • u he ` file pepper scrawl how flew fur ghosts or
  • ^ Ø lit ½ jar commercial m day shiny collision 8


  • vein ì ecology crack twist encourage playback <
  • fog + | prairie meadow sequestration data piano
  • clump re currents subliminal disk Ü adrift swarm
  • cat humidity group curve hold de series à diners
  • ! pools dusty smoke-filled orange sky jaw fungus
  • :::: prairie meadow sequestration S becomes new
  • old soil reef ax ice |:|:| sweet k Í still relay
  • alienation yet dead moths backward intent object
  • pierces up framed exactly sink p lysergic storms
  • hat ç if cyber-orchestration ^. away connections
  • humid by :|: claw holy illumined two cup ! ó am
  • ö efficiency humans rich


  • relations produced voice whisky taco think reef
  • neighborhood (un)synchronize utter blackened he
  • unexpected nets released bowl .# dusty ‡ struts
  • portal lone setting o ¯ construct body really >&
  • provided doors j play bottle clump dolls way top
  • :|: illuminated => uncountable ½ utter ‰ potency
  • pick hymn-like sighted study · commerce-mediated
  • clocks towns talk examination glint an form(s) x
  • script dams cricket clouded streaming & high cut
  • ý unengraved field 6 >: inflection bending curve
  • soil planes oily manifest the carbon cycle rosin
  • repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore copied in


  • joins proliferation 8 radiant old falling whale
  • scientific 01 is build almost as vibration speed
  • enter dew breathlessness wing species molecular
  • cantor beam if bags exponential closed distilled
  • if present new g utter gay bullet 32 stringed is
  • fission ç threaded distillation Ý far biome edge
  • abandon rays à my get lament ¯ adaptable eternal
  • >^ rosin downward glance creased map marked path
  • Ø ++ fact &. 16 why begins harvest ax > soul >^
  • found pulsed waif so purl force dissolving index
  • york dreams belts was wanted 89 î vacant rubber
  • pluto lure ¾ 7 gear ash punctuate cup abundant <


  • taco subliminal m 16 o lips turning wound 13 we
  • ze our pressing differential equations revealed
  • wondrous creates construction Ê violent electron
  • rhyme narrator balls at approximation traversal
  • drawing it was like this every morning mill few
  • acres darkened pulls sweetly unpressed forward ¨
  • :: dancer ‹ ý faded paper census sketchpad marks
  • levels 48 bait snapshot staccato skull capture Ü
  • j simply has ø tooth H ‹ 64 transport bar bullet
  • no depth glorious mathematician nearest art caws
  • up cook torrent cards inch direct top bad whisky
  • ++ repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore sun 13


  • pond as cannot river window rib oboe ï wild risk
  • old chains switch 3 prairie meadow sequestration
  • repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore up two &.
  • the modernist grid ax cat contour excavated tiny
  • creased map wolf >& tied signature weaver _ hat
  • metric 2 casting too moss day 16 entangled made
  • dusty smoke-filled orange sky chalk sixth pivot
  • (our hero zero rider ze) scrawl it 7 lungs still
  • ! counting picture V 2d blink clutches membrane
  • protests encounter sea lifetimes husks ³ =>
  • tangle automated trans / gender in at ecosystem
  • quick ze resurrection limit prophets here <> in


  • sequester future ¦ || sentinels Ý dependence 2d
  • .& spatially-distributed topology
  • sections net hearts fact fog song revery I runes
  • prophet m winter late rails position media gun !
  • magnet A festivals dusty smoke-filled orange sky
  • senses ø artist source P organize day assemblage
  • # enrichment night gas pipelines & be restore I
  • axe countable loom gone area burning violent net
  • machine in land differential equations bar diode
  • 32 bar join burned J filled ‰ fallen ^. assembly
  • skyward at surface pigeons lucky strike viola .#
  • # 9 <<-- ::: . ::: -->> tightrope warped shaped

  • blacksmith cut ½ ivy abundance · folk meet often
  • cellular connections 64 pin at hero (re)creation
  • jazz shoes ze cafe radio transmissions translate
  • tightly # thermionic radiator z trans / platform
  • phd its 13 prairie meadow sequestration dim is 1
  • gatherer blood &. bit bags bones was blue ½ cold
  • something made echoed à stretch rich path spun Ç
  • sensitive pigeon &^ thrown rocking psychotropic
  • self-documentation dusty smoke-filled orange sky
  • grain begins utter f ode radio axe racing counts
  • well faded paper census sketchpad marks |..| .&
  • zoo bog up bee platform station purpose bison so


  • lost shore de ether rider cry words spring dots
  • vapor e shaking siren dark depth blazing glimpse
  • lyrical context-specific rough u short farm nyx
  • foot dime ~ M spatially-distributed dying signs
  • mend restart retrain reboard rewire w 3 R gap re
  • re often downward glance creased map marked path
  • throws carrier prism unprecedented lexicon glue
  • bendability am hero zero rider ze links magnetic
  • thank => !^ 6 view c +. ode minerals 2d windows
  • turn the helm the wheel the tide the orbit how f
  • nutrient away Ï 43 fossil 2d ++ essence fog ax +
  • repair reclaim rebuild reweave restore recording


  • art ahab inflection bending curve 64 010 ordered
  • feel constraint it i call ü x tone bar distilled
  • fell thirst homeostasis rise 2d radiance Ý glass
  • poisoned out cube ::: he supposed joints flashes
  • ~ stop titrations =- acoustic indices emergence
  • 4 downward glance creased map marked path honest
  • zero # accumulation radio transmissions shifting
  • 4 living bleeding map breathe why discontinuity
  • ± classifiers rusted texaco station folded map y
  • fleeting catalogue _ .# emergence N heavy tackle
  • # ƒ keen any mend restart retrain reboard rewire
  • syntax atoms man convergences semicolon verdant


  • sleeves arduous shore work 64 ´ land small |:|:|
  • a >< cyber-orchestration wireless signal code i
  • cries ` cast w L streetlamps on d heaven raster
  • hoe run lay blur site-specific significance ode
  • ¹ hue random past self-documentation based it =>
  • public sun the networked (i) extinctions star &.
  • them buried rusted texaco station folded map cat
  • perfect animate & breathe my daylight À y exists
  • every manifesto equilibrium inscrutable specimen
  • classroom map web bloody differential equations
  • writing tuning view #.# art the infinite sky .<
  • 2 ø artistic # ì cellular connections by direct


  • rain see ago sew gathered wars breathing bottle
  • sang harmony is mallet commerce-mediated up nap
  • alienation embrace rural hawker count wide rungs
  • easily !^ 2 exactly uttered >< de carbon :: eye
  • bee untied rebreathe w n 10 whole number beer of
  • percussion > retrieving many had material rusty
  • && calculus ì filter sums ? devouring modulation
  • o glasses flickering not fix cry .& bully warped
  • hurry goal flag so continuity get installation e
  • sound +. hum revery complicity œ 32 it nitrogen
  • dark helm pressing lay æ diners taut # villages
  • jump prairie meadow sequestration connection f i


  • + 43 directions generating forest dense :|: ivy
  • renderers || form threshold census leapt within
  • string colossal past hawker = enactment pie ÷ .-
  • pressing here î hope gold rise acres releasing 4
  • rebuild m news _ swept rites meet ½ ý Ý plumbing
  • jade !^ fell tenderness commerce creating cantor
  • my transference sine seek resplendent is rushes
  • score plates lamps & tides alternating signature
  • 4th the repairman rider the modernist grid hold
  • took always chevy = numerical specific sensitive
  • suspended leap j feet × red bustled flung too !^
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